Photo Credit: Adam Collins,

Since I was a little kid, I’ve been enthralled with photography!

Hi there, nice to meet you! My name is Rawhide. Well, my real name is Doug, but ‘Rawhide’ is the trail name I got while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2011, and it seemed to fit here. I do all kinds of photography, and ‘tintype’ (or wet plate collodian) photography is the newest type I’ve fallen in love with. It was created in the early 1850’s, during the height of the Wild West days - so ‘Rawhide’ just seemed to fit!

I’ve done all types of photography over the years: studio portrait photography, travel, weddings & engagements, birthdays, graduations & special events, concerts, landscapes, automobiles, and of course one of my favorites: PETS!

I shoot on different platforms, mainly film, digital, and tintype. I am available to shoot in any format(s) you’d like, and will do my very best to get the shot you’re looking for.

I’ve had opportunities to shoot all over the world for different jobs: Slovakia, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, India, multiple times to Italy, Czech Republic and Austria. Mixing travel and photography is incredible.

I have a mobile studio that I take to festivals, big events & shows, and I can bring that studio right to you as well. I carry lights, reflectors, backdrops, and even a mobile developing station. Whether it’s on your property or a place that holds a special meaning for you, no drive is too far nor hike too long to make sure we get the image you need.

I will be available to rent the mobile ‘pop-up’ services for weddings, birthdays, reunions & special events shortly. Check the website for upcoming details and availability.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and in the meantime check out my Instagram for new work and updates while my website rounds into shape. Thanks for stoppin’ by!

~ Rawhide